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Cardiology Consultation

No matter which stage of heart disease management you are at right now, a consultation with our Senior Cardiologist will certainly simplify heart health and heart disease for you.

Our 5A's Approach is designed to help each of you reach your heart health goals:

  • Assess the risk

  • Agree on goals

  • Advise what needs to be done

  • Arrange for what is required

  • Assist in achieving goals

You will be equipped to managed your heart disease and your risk factors better, using the best evidence-based practices. 

If any tests like ECG, stress test, echo or holter monitoring are required, they can be done at our center at the same time as your appointment.

This allows the Cardiologist to perform a comprehensive evaluation and recommend the best approach accordingly. This can include medicines, advanced non-invasive treatments and minimally invasive procedures.

Includes a consultation and checkup with our senior interventional cardiologist and diagnostic tests like stress test or echo

Prevention Consultation

People of all ages benefit from heart disease prevention. According to the American Heart Association heart health screenings should begin in your 20's. Research has shown that early prevention significantly decreases risk of heart disease and decreases deaths.

Being proactive and starting early puts you in a much better position for the rest of your life. Early prevention and modification of risk factors is especially beneficial in people who may be at an increased risk of developing heart disease due to a family history of early heart disease.

A Cardiologist can help you determine your level of risk by evaluating your risk factors and by performing tests like Carotid Artery Ultrasound and Cardiac CT Calcium Score.

Risk factors like high BP, diabetes and high cholesterol can develop quietly and insidiously. They begin causing damage much before any symptoms develop.

Regular check-ups can identify these factor in early stages so that they can be treated before significant damage occurs.

Includes risk factor evaluation to understand each person’s individual risk level and recommend early preventive actions
Serv Cardio
Serv ECP
Serv Prevent
Serv Wellness
Serv 2nd Op

Wellness Consultation

Schedule a consultation with our Wellness Expert to learn more about the available options of natural alternative medicine therapies. Based on a comprehensive evaluation of your doshas, get a recommendation of which therapies are best for you and how they can help you. 

At The HeartSavers, we offer Cardio-Vedic Detoxification for treatment of heart disease and Shirodhara for management of heart disease risk factors like high BP and stress.

In addition to alternative therapies for heart disease and cardiac risk factor management, our wellness expert specializes in natural, organic, chemical-free therapies for weight management, hair strengthening, improving skin health, stress and anxiety management, and insomnia.  

She and her team of therapists provide a variety of personalized treatments for Cardiac and non-cardiac problems. Most of these treatments and therapies can even be provided to you in the comfort of your own home.

Speak to our wellness expert to understand the natural alternative medicine therapies that would be most beneficial for you

Second Opinion Consultation

Are not sure about something your doctor said?

Are you hesitant to undergo an invasive procedure and want to know if there are any better alternatives for you?

Are you wondering whether there are any non-invasive treatments or natural alternative therapies that you may benefit from?

At The HeartSavers we believe that every patient should fully understand and agree with the treatment and management plan. 

So, if you're unsure or have unanswered questions, a 2nd opinion consultation is the perfect option for you. 

You will get an accurate 2nd opinion from a one of the best Cardiologist's in Mumbai- a renowned Senior Cardiologist with over 30 years experience and expertise in Interventional Cardiology and Heart Attack Prevention.

Contact us to learn more and find out whether an in-person consultation or e-consultation would be more suitable for you.

Unsure of something your doctor said? Get an accurate 2nd opinion from a renowned senior doctor with over 30 years experience

Cardio-Vedic Detoxification TM

A Natural Alternative Medicine Therapy

According to Ayurveda, heart disease occurs due to excess Vayu or Pita doshaWhen toxins accumulate in the body, it blocks the flow of energy, information and nourishment through the system. This build up of toxins and imbalance of doshas is the root cause of all diseases.

Similarly, saturated fat and cholesterol that is beyond the body’s capacity to metabolize, starts accumulating. Over time, this leads to blockage of the blood vessels and ultimately to heart attacks.

Cardiovedic detoxification (CVD) reverses this degenerative process and takes care of excess Vayu Dosha. Its effects are often profound and long lastingCVD uses a combination of therapies to rid the body of excessive ama or toxins.

It includes Snehana - Special herbal oil massage, Svedhana - Steam bath to remove superficial toxins, Hriday dhara – specific herbal oil is poured locally on the chest wall overlying the heart and Basti - Deeper cleansing with herbal oil (enema)

Cardio-Vedic Detox is a natural alternative medicine treatment for heart disease that removes excess toxins from the body


A Natural Alternative Medicine Therapy

Modern lifestyle can lead to poor health in many ways. The use of some simple and natural methods can significantly improve our health and vitality.

Shirodhara is a form of Ayurveda therapy, which means the dripping of oil like a thread (dhara) on the head (shiro). It is a great treatment for a compromised nervous system. It can help relieve symptoms of anxiety, stress, insomnia and exhaustion, which are all common problems in today’s hectic lives.

It has also proven effective in lowering blood pressure, in the treatment of hypertension.

In addition, it is a great treatment for a healthy individual looking to maintain health and enhance well being, clarity, calm and immunity. It promotes deep relaxation, relieves fatigue and renews and reinvigorates the body and mind.

Shirodhara, a natural ayurvedic therapy, is beneficial for treatment of high BP, stress, anxiety, insomnia and exhaustion
Serv CVD
Serv Shiro

Whole Body Muscle Stimulation (WBMS) Exercise Program

WBMS is temporarily not being offered due to COVID-19 as it would not be possible for us to follow all safety guidelines during the sessions.

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